Kewayne Wadley | Poetry Vibe
Kewayne Wadley
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 26300
contest winner 3
contest winner
Passion And Ambition Seek The Same

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Ugliest Kind Of Beautiful



Views: 206
I don't consider you a friend because of how many times you cross my mind. Nor because of the times we don't mention. I don't consider myself in love because of the things we do to each other behind closed doors. Open doors or in-between doors. I consider you my equal because of the philosophy we share. All without making a sound. The love we have that naturally reacts with a vocal notion of it's own. We don't have to be around each other to explore the things that aren't said. A vocal assurance that I do indeed mean what I say. We are both the ugliest kind of beautiful our laughs being the ice breaker for all that we share. The tears elapsed from laughing too hard. No I don't consider you a friend, or a lover because of how much I'll miss you when your gone. No I don't want to be near you just because of a single thought. Nor because of the way you make me feel. You'll always be with me. Sharing our ugliest kind of beautiful

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LP45 says:

Beautiful write kewayne. Interesting title too. Thank you for sharing this.

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