J.King337 | Poetry Vibe
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got a new poem ready for this Sunday!! It's entitled "The Unspoken Lesson".

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Unryhmed Lyrics #3



Views: 355

Consider my heart as I present it to thee,

Scarred yet it still beats with unresolved Love;

An unique song compiled together by the essence of purity.

Selected by the thoughts of longevity,

Sung by the desires of thy soul;

I fret not for my heart is accustomed to pain

Yet it fights on shielded by the Love from God.

Consider my insecuritites but I dare not present

my vulnerbilities,

A course of action I demand only strength

to battle as I force the inner whisper of devious schemes

into nonexistence;

A war I wish not to involve thee for this battle is for God and me

to conquer.

Consider my thoughts as I think solely on becoming a metaphor

of the greatest of stories,

A man enlightened not in the eyes of Man,

But a sight to behold for all to envision;

A man destined to enrich the generations that is to come,

As the seeds of his commitments are implanted in his children that are yet to be born.

Take me as I am for this man is similar to none,

 similar during times of distress;

however different when the battle is won.

True to thyself I shall remain,

and as I remain to prove my existence;

Going astray is not an option.


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DallasCowgirl says:

So profound!

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