mlowe5 | Poetry Vibe


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lightness in the dark

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To A Multihued Damsel in The Beauty of Her Wetness



Views: 247


Out of the womb of seedless waters
came her birth;
No less than always has been her silent beauty—
Radiant essence
crowning the heavenly throne of Earth.

She’s a spectral reflective bouquet
of God’s creativity.
Mothering Sun smoothes
each of her rays into its special place
as her regal dome challenge
the matter of her magnanimity.

No force of whispering winds
can move her from her chosen space;
for the celestial realm
has surrendered to her aura’s nobility.

In vain, many have set sail
in search of her beginning and journey’s end;
failed voyages of endless searches
by the adventurous, brave and bold.

Yet, her celestial curvaceous tinted arch
continues to excite the curiosity of man’s
voracious appetite for things
whose worth and beauty rivals that of gold.

Yes, from time immemorial, man has been privy
to the sight of her beauty and teeming glow;
yet, since that time, man has never ever been able
to hold and control God’s teasing rainbow!

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

ONE, love_supreme. Thanks. Peace and Love.

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