Emotions are potions, covering mysteries
Cauldrons bubble in stews, for all to see
Still waters move not, lulling adventurers in deep
Its in the waters of consequence, reflecting beliefs
Surprise is but a veil, that battle winds by whims at sea
Skims of surface currents is not truth or necessarily a lie
To float on waves is to admit a life's unknown futility
Woe goes to one brave enough to bail the waters at length
While underwater the world of fathoms understands the deep
Once baptized to what is not new nor rarely ever shown...
There is no return to living just offshore of a water line's retreat
Indeliable memories wash upon school of thoughts
Reconsidering what brought you to ponder this edge, before rinsing wash
Wishes placed on the firmament is the island that is the dream
Hand over Hand is how we move our slate towards the undiscovered
Thrashing and gasping for one last breath of fresh air, before going back in
So we commit to life goals, swimming onward, splashing feats, in sync
Swirls in current, sink some, but all eventually succumb
Never is lost, as the abyss denies none, struggle is your flight
Dreams descend below the surface, to fates hidden on the bottom, forgotten
Until dredged up in time to emerge from the heart of this mean well.....
For it has 2b written on these waters, is my soul's intent