Colorless | Poetry Vibe
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Black Thoughts


just different

Views: 257

This is an intrusion on the mental institution that is hood life. Young men are confused and get it misconstrued while looking through hues of darkened reds and blues.

In their ignorance and misguided perceptions following father figures that had no father figures they fall victim to the game, where nicknames pull an alter ego and earning stripes has replaced getting that diploma.

Blinded to the fact that this corner they "own" and this park they "own" was here before their existence was a thought and will be here long after their gone.

Raised to praise a street life, inspired by industry thugs caught up in the mainstream of society. Men with greed sign their name on the dotted line, disregarding the fine print that labels them industries . Forced to sell they soul, they flow and those dreams to the industries schemes of the blind leading the blind, nonsense of phantoms and triple beams.

I speak of that to say this, how do you think that effects the poor and downtrodden, looking for a way out, assuming they found it as they watch the payouts. Figuring they can assume a name, jump into the game, and achieve fame like the others do. Not realizing its just to *** with you, take your mind and twist it in time is what the want to do and for generations they have succeeded so this is nothing new.

Oppression has been in succession since Willie Lynch theory became the substance America operated the masses with, division and revision of the black culture was the mission to keep our generations on a firm leash. Deconstruction and Reconstruction of our history lead us to believe in what was but never really meant to be. Following the books of American history, storytellers storytelling of proclamations but never attesting to the fact that history needed never wanted, required but never desired blacks as a whole.

History and education is a lesson itself, the truth is there but word of mouth won't help, you gotta commit to it and read for yourself. Ignorance is bliss but there is no thought in this so how do you trade pride in not knowing. You not growing if you refuse to apply yourself and allow knowledge to increase your wealth.

If you negative you positive and if you positive you called a hater, well tell me how we build if negativity all we cater. So for those that listen to even half of what i say lets open our minds to positivity and strength rather than watching our culture continue to waste and decay.

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