J.King337 | Poetry Vibe
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got a new poem ready for this Sunday!! It's entitled "The Unspoken Lesson".

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As day fades into night I think soley of you,

A love transended that Time itself could not grasp.

My thoughts are only diminished memories of when I was a child;

barely able to formulate complete memories I cling dearly to those bestowed upon me.

At times I feel your touch,

A touch I vaguely remember, but the body still remembers;

A tear of curiousity caresses my face as I try in vain to remember your voice.

Your laughter echoes in the forgotten yet familiar recesses of my young, yet untraceable mind;

Retracing my childhood for a missing piece of the puzzle beneath the sorrows of lost.

Filled with pain I wish you were here to see how much I've grown,

To see how much suffering I went through,

To see my triumphs;

The love I shared and the love that is stilled reserved.

My heart yearns to...words are replaced with tears I cannot hold back any longer

O how I truly desire to know everything that is you.

As I look at my beautiful reflection

I see a hint of you.

Your smile etched across my face,

Your voice as I talk to the angels up above,

but most of all I see you within me.

My God what a wonderful feeling!

Through me you shall live till God reunites us in Heaven,

And with each breath I take is my own special way of thanking you

For being my mom.


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