SoFloetic | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
When I write I feel free........LIMITLESS

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Views: 482
Damaged One simple word that describes me perfectly I am Often perceived to be something I'm not Hidden behind a mask to disguise my fears Can't run to my friends my family won't understand They'll think im crazy halfway through my explanation And we all know friends and enemies are one in the same I will not allow anyone to find joy in my pain Damaged I don't trust people Because people will almost always let you down Revealing your secrets Turning their backs on you Vanishing when you need them the most Broken promises and a false sense of hope Damaged I love to hard Diving in head first with no regards to my heart Loving him more than I love myself Often getting lost in what can only be described as a ridiculous fantasy Often turning a blind eye to whats in front of me Knowing exactly how it will all end Seeing the outcome before the story began Usually left with a broken heart Crying for days on end Repeatedly loving the wrong kind of man Foolishly expecting different results This one seems different I can make him change One day he will see Lying to my heart Damanged I give too many chances Often to people who don't deserve it This insane desire to make things right Always seeking closure when I should just walk away Always coming back when they beg me to stay And I know its crazy I know they won't change Yet I find myself playing these same sad games Over and over I do this again Trying to fix things that have long fell apart Damaged And the list goes on Futher than your eyes can see Deep down in my soul Lies pieces of me Behind my eyes tears run through Tickling my throat Flooding my heart My thoughts run rampant They cloud my mind Flowing down my back Beating against my spine Through my veins It flows to my feet Here I stand Damaged Me

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Contest Winner  

Johannav007 says:

Deep and profound. Loved your flow keep the ink flowing!

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SoFloetic says:

Thank you

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Miss_chaniel says:

Deep good write

Brownchildt says:

In this poem I don't just read your words I see your talent.. please keep writing.. thank you for sharing..

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