L.A.Guevara  | Poetry Vibe
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I guess that I don’t pursue her with much vigor due to the fact that Ive already been in a relationship with her, slept with her. Well not her, per se. But a different woman, exactly like her. Her carbon copy. Same attitude, she’s vain. Her physical appearance is the most important thing to her. The only thing of which, she has any control. She falls in love real easy though. Although she has her own peculiar definition of love. Her self-esteem, is way down. Down past the floor in which I’m standing on. She even has those familiar mannerisms of plasticity. Of which I wasn’t quite to fond. You’ll get her undivided, if you’re able to see through the charades, through her facade. Otherwise she’ll walk right through you. Felt like I was pulling the strings of a beauteous puppet. Inevitably I got bored of it. As soon as it turned into something purely physical. The sex was great but, all we made was “lust”. It never went further than that. She wasn’t worth the headache or putting in the time. Her insecurities were spilling over the rim. One oceanic splash at a time. Of her emotional bucket. I wish not to drown. I have enough of my own problems, my own insecurities to keep from spilling over the rim. Of my own, metaphorical bucket. Weary from hunting for signs of life in her eyes. She’s lost. She looks for any type of affection. She hopes that one day someone will find her, but for her mind, her heart. No, not the botox injections. Boundaries crossed. Rules broken for fugazy meanings. She’s a fool. Unable to value it. Waste of time, if you were able to show her true feelings. She’s pleasing to the eye, but hers, are an abyss of un-ended beginnings. Give her another bucket. One that she can carry alone… Around her neck… Like a noose. I’ve already removed the beautiful cloak, underneath it’s not so pretty. Her physical is only a matter of time. And she knows it. She’s in search of something and she’s willing, she’s willing to do whatever she has to. To get it. She’s hollow. She’s certain that she’ll know what she’s searching for, once she's able to finds it. So blindly she follows. She’s cursed with the epitome of wasted beauty. L.A.G...... 9/20/18

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