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America and crime



Views: 111
America and crime America is sitting on luxury's lap Built off our ancestors back America and crime made a trade And said let's go capture some slaves Look at all the benefits reaped That they will never share only keep Look at crime back in the day No repercussions so it must be okay Crime is part of American heritage That's why it accepted his hand in marriage America gave crime a ring And told him go do your thing Look at all this blood that was spilled Because of crime's rape , theft and kill America and crime will never seperate Especially after the birth of their baby boy named hate They watch him grow into a man And follow their devious plan Now hate done took over the family business He does his dirt without any witness He tries to remain undercover But he boasts and brags like no other Because he loves to run his big mouth Thinking he has all the clout But God has the final say All of them will answer on judgement day Written by Marvin Crutchfield aka Mr poetry

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