SquareRootz | Poetry Vibe
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Passive Notes



Views: 242
I was just sitting in class going over my work folder. Waiting on, what seemed to be the longest day of my life to be over. It got to point that I could hear the hands of the clock tic toc slower and slower. Even with that all I could think of was me and Desiree, sitting in a tree - K I S S I N G However, I figured I blew any chance I had until I remembered that today was computer lab. Only thing -that was a hour away from now. So I decided to write what I had to say down. I folded up my note sealed it and passed it around. When I got it back it had a smiley face plus she wrote she was down. All she wanted to know was how since what I suggested wasn’t really allowed. I wrote her back "I got us covered and ill tell you more just not now". After some popcorn reading we closed our books and started to line up at the front of the class. It was the buddy system so it was boy girl girl boy and that was that. I was last so when I walked passed I felt a hand grab and a girl laugh. I thought I had lucked up until I looked up and it wasn’t who I thought it would be - it was just...

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