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Your guidance of corrections have been disregarded by your blockages to act and communicate with logical thinking

You are taking without earning your way and you believe violence earns you respect

Your moral judgments been distracted by corruption and your sense of direction have been nurtured and nourished by wrongdoings

Now you are ignoring the sweetest and wisest words you should live by in life


Your intelligence has been wreckage


Think about what type of life you want to make happen for yourself

Don't lose your capabilities to reason, use your honorable God-given sensible sense every second of your day


Let it be known


Your stone cold courage is stronger than the hell of confusion

Destructionists are hidden in between the duties of beauties and the likings that your eyes see and your mind admires

Destructionist envy your fire, your courage, your toughness, your boldness, your sensible guidance, your bond as one and the adrenaline rush of your strength that travel through your blood.

Destructionists has romanticized your life style, noticed your tears and struggles that makes you stronger and wiser.

Destructionists come into your presence lore your attention and interest with misused knowledge and the wrong choice of living the unique life style.

Destructionists have introduced your life design with drugs, guns, more money and more honey and deceived your eyes and your know-how to recognize God heightens encouragements through your intelligence and your only faith that know the way.


Your intelligence has been wreckage


Living with your God-given Will, your stone cold courage will strengthen every part of your weakness

Destructionists think they have all they need, which is you

Be aware of the people you honor and embrace and welcome into your involvement

When you allow your intelligence to become wreckage


Just know


You are about to take a hard fall that could be avoided

It's your life and no one else can live it for you

You have to change for the better good

Leave the nonsense people walking in another direction

Nonsense people like company, flow with easy power, can't stand alone and will pull your moment of value, your self-esteem and self-respect down in one second

God didn't raise your Will for you to destroy your life nor wreck the lives of others

God gave you Life to live it by good lesson and blessed you with the awareness of life experience

This is your life, live by strong Will, good means, change, truthfulness, awareness and true principles

When your true encouragers are no longer here on earth, you would know your Will is stronger than you know

Repeatedly, practice enhancing your logical thinking, stay on track and on point by living the best life you know

Pay close attention to your life style, earn your way no matter how hard it may feel. Distance yourself from bad habits and separate yourself from people who do you no good in life

Don't put yourself in a heavy situation that will blind side you without your knowing

See situations coming, know it's coming and why it's coming and develop better and wiser skills

Ignoring your natural faculty could be the wrong choice to make when dealing with the wrong force of people.

Don't be too naive to see it, don't be afraid to back away and don't hesitate to use your intelligence to bring destructionist down


Be wise with your thinking


The moment you say, " I don't care,"

Wise up. It may seem hard and messed up at times,

Don't intoxicate your mind, your way of living nor your body with bad habits, when you have no solution nor a clue of your life purpose and don't understand why?


True knowledge; driven by hard consistent, and doing it well, starts with you

When trouble, stress, confusion, disappointment and nonsense travel through your presence,

Arm yourself with your greatest defense of logicalities

Value responsibility and avoid the wrong path of thinking

We as people get in the biggest jams of our lives

It's scary at first, but we have to face the truth and be held accountable for the errors we chose to make in life

It's a weight off your mind, when you do what's right

We live, we question, we learn, we grow, we grieve, we change, we believe, we conquer and we have to sometimes experience the hard truth to understand the awareness of living.


Don't be Wreckage


Know your own obligations.

When you take on your own responsibility, it shows you are being accountable for your actions of influence

When you do an act of crime.

The wrong thing you can do is commit it, run and hide and be wreckage

Honorable authorities who serve with means of their purpose, know you will be found, you will get caught and you will go to jail and maybe without a bail.

Don't let negativity shake you, make you nor take your intelligence

Knowledge is true and real as you know, it would walk you through words of encouragement and grip your thinking

When you seemed torn between the two, corruption and reconstruction,

You must think with clear logic without committing a sealed crime against others and build your damaged memories with the Will of your determination and through your grip of understanding logicalities through the heighens of encouragements blessed by God.

The damage we see, the pain we know, and the anguish we feel. Trust and always know, the greatest way to heal it all, is through fists of stone cold courage, joined intelligence, continuous knowledge, a mighty grip of your sanity and a higher law of God's correctness. 


           Sabrina "Chris" Williams


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