Artist JoeMac | Poetry Vibe
Artist JoeMac
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The world has now put me under the pressure to go anti-meat, its bad for your teeth, bad for the soul, the body wasn’t designed to break down those meaty enzymes and I’m just sitting back eating a burrito like...really...but how silly is that, to get turned off by some shards of fat, a steak, a flank, the same the caveman shanked but, I’m wrong for eating meat, so how do you explain what we all came out of, how do you explain medium well that marinates itself in its own juices and tastes like a sweet peach, with no seasoning needed, that’s a flavor to savor, see no vegetable can provide that, no carrot can make me sit back, look at it and go damn, I’m bout to go ham with all pun intended, cause just like that pork it’s all pink, so allow me to sink into the best meat God ever created, it needs to literally be on a menu under entree with a disclaimer, having this meal comes with an 18% gratuity, even though I give her 100% immunity cause she will never tell how far this tongue will go to please her, now that’s a tip for that ass, so please explain how those leafy greens can match that protein, tell me that eating on that beef can cause me cancer, because some of the best tasting meat may coming from a cancer, or a pisces, an aries, maybe even a libra scale cause if you balance her legs out well, they are equally divided with ample room for face placement, so keep your lemons, keep your broccoli, keep anything with roots and seeds, because my favorite meal needs nourishment of a different kind, saliva waters her garden while my breath breathes life into what holds life and I promise to my next wife, if I have to eat you for breakfast every morning for you to function then I will, and on Sunday’s we can do brunch, let me munch while you eat up your emotions, ooze that potion which keeps the beef moist, cause ain’t nothing worse than dry and overcooked, but by my looks, you can tell that you are prepared very well, so *** the ones who say go vegan or die, them the same undercover men that’s Bi, and I’m more than straight in numerous ways, cause the day I stop being a carnivorous creature is the day they’ll start paying seven figures to teachers, and since that’ll never happen, I’ll come up with my own curriculum, give her a man and add a knack to purposely please her in the sack and out comes a woman with no tension, and did I mention she just very well return the favor, because meat, meat my people is something to savor, so *** your vegetables, keep them s in the field, because no green leaf can yield the reward of what God intended us to eat for eternity…...

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