Diamonddapoet | Poetry Vibe
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Night Terrors



Views: 204
Night terrors as I reflect my life in this mirror; An addict still a child, a child of an addict; This 23 year old woman hurting to stay strong; In a world where I sometimes feel as though I don’t belong; The beatings the scars, why does life have to be so hard; Molested at ages, 4, 7 and nine; Take this tape out and don’t ever press rewind; If you were never born he said,… then me and your moms would get along; Why cant you just leave me alone,.. stop hurting my emotions and treated me so wrong; Emotions, emotions,… they ran so deep; From the hole in my heart to the cracks in my feet; That night with a prayer,… I cried my self to sleep; Thinking this is my last prayer and then I’ll call it defeat; She finally let him go though as yall should know; But why should it had to take that much pain from a child to show; Because she was an addict; an addict of abuse; And the man that she loved,… was a victim of drug use! Night terrors, as I reflect my life in this mirror; This tell doesn’t get any clearer so use my life as your mirror; So many nights of abuse, constant tricking and getting used; Long days of pain,.. soon became the life of drug use; Prescript meds,.. but its still a drug; Popped two by the hour like I was making love; Scream he said,… and I’ll kill you ; Next thing you know,.. I was on that cold bench; 3men, one night, my birthday to be exact; Thought it was my fault,… but it was there attack; They left me in the park, on that just to bleed; Like I was just some animal,.. boy was that mean; They took me in and out for what felt like eternity; and what’s even graver,.. is because I forgive them for hurting me; how could people be so cruel; so rude, you aint know me or what I’d been through; all you know,.. is you knew was that you and your crew found something fun to do; my built self-esteem you took from me; but im still living right,.. so I’ll let it be! Diamond da poet

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