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Jesus 2018



Views: 233


Samuel K Byrd


What if Jesus was to come back in 2018?

Much like the way he did back when

The son of God sent to walk amongst mortal men


What country would he see?

And this time what would his profession be

A Plummer, a lawyer, a senator from Illinois, possibly


Would his message be well received?

If he had disciples, how many would he need?

Would his miraculous miracles be believed?


Would he be able to breathe life into a struggling economy?

Take a land that thrives in tyranny and restore harmony

Calm the concerns of seniors and make them feel healthy


Would he bring forth change in these trying times?

Would we see a decline in violent crime?

Should we be able to feel safe and have peace of mind?


But how long would it take to succumb to the pitfalls that be

How many times would we see him appear on TMZ?

Would Face book, my-space, and Twitter all deny him times 3


Would his reason for returning be overlooked due to fame?

Would we see millions of t-shirts and coffee mugs bearing his name?

And let’s not forget the Jesus vs. Jihad 2019 video game


But when it’s time for the reason he came not for fame or notoriety

When he’s called to give up his life would we feel any sympathy?

Or just Call Al Sharpton because he was gunned down by NYPD




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