Rising In The Gravity Of The Wave Of Political Deceit
The gravity of the wave of deceit has pulled political integrity
To its lowest ebb and flow, smothering morality with quagmires
Of electorial power abuse and sarcastic expositions of vanity.
Republic--Democratic--ideas, once held in high esteem
Have become veiled, vacuous words wallowing in party mud;
And our home--country has fallen into moral bankruptcy. But
We must refuse to accept that the vault of resolution is empty!
As with Noah, the turbulent times' treacherous trot trust's road,
Inundated with pompous potholes of indignant, twittered "isms".
The Star Spangled Banner is a distant echo and America The Beautiful
Has been recalled. Her amber waves frothing on the shores of deceit.
How long will we willfully play dice with the fate of a drowning nation?
How long must we allow "...crippling fear...like a nagging hound of hell...
Pursue our every footstep..." with shattering winds of depression?
Though our tired feet may be weary, let not the American dream be a nightmare.
If there be hope of a tree, what of a nation? The benign power of the universe
Has never failed us yet--turning flooding rains into bright sunshine--twinkling stars.
Let us not wallow in the fear of the present moment. Revelation is awareness.
Let us be aware: we are not the question; we--collectively--we are the answer.
Come, let us put away all fear of the raging storm at hand. We are the answer.
Be not mocked: he soweth...that shall he also reap. Let us do right for our children.
In the storm of this Millenium 40, let us build a strategic ark populated with hope;
Let us strip America naked of bigotry and other sources of debilitating evils.
On the rising tides of the testing times, let wisdom born of experience keep us afloat;
As we charter our course in the jangling discords of this sea of deceptive chaos,
Let mutual dissatisfaction shatter the gloom of the dark tyranny of today.
Once more and again America, let us seek to knit a common garment of destiny;
Be not mocked: he soweth...that shall he also reap. Let us do right for our children.