karls | Poetry Vibe
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sunburned roads



Views: 138

 It’s like, all I can do is lose
like I’ve never, got to chose
I’ve got nothing but, these sunburned roads
and all the fairy-tale lies, I was told
never wanted to show, that I was weak
now I’m falling all over my words, and I can’t speak
so I write, these poems, on my walk home
at those times, when I just, feel so alone
trudging down, these empty streets
dragging, my sore feet
and If I cry, what will that do
tears, won’t see me through
lay my body, under the water
ever, the wayward daughter
maybe it’ll wipe the film, off my eyes
tell me, have I used up, all my second tries
tie rocks, to my feet
at times like these, I accept defeat

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