DearJournal | Poetry Vibe
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One day...


long distance

Views: 253

One day.. When we cross paths and we seek love in eachother I will tell you about my past.. I will spill to you my inner troubles, talk to you about everything that I am.. Lock hands while you kiss my forehead, listen to you tell me stories about your journey.. How did you get here, what do you cherish in life, what is dear to you what was your biggest loss.. What was there to gain?.. Maybe it will be sooner than later.. 2-3 years from now perhaps .. Time despises my stubborn concern.. But I wonder..

What color shirt will you wear.. Do you wear glasses?.. Have hair? .. Do you talk with a slick rhythm in your voice or is quite forward? Do you like music, are you into art? Will you understand me? 

Is your past dark? When that day comes will I recognize your soul matches mine, will it be whole? Question after question .. I'm sure I'll get the answers ..

One day..when it all sinks in and the months of knowing you secure me, We will lye in bed, I will smile at you, no worries at all between us, just smiles and passion for you are found so my search is done.. I'll lay with you, pray the night stands still and there are no hours just that moment to embrace what I've been searching for up under me. 

One will see this and I will tell you about all the poems I wrote to your soul to find its way to me. 

One day..I will have a story to tell, and for you to listen. While I close my eyes and imagine what feels like eternity with you as my end | "when soul meets soul your whole" ✍🏾 Mr. Unknown ..

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