karls | Poetry Vibe
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dreams of home



Views: 118

 finally, things seem to be, falling into place
don’t mind, the tears trailing, down my face
I was a girl, with so many dreams
but real life’s, not as perfect as it seams
down down, I got caught up, in the flood
misery, rooted it’s self, deep in my blood
but it’s okay
It won’t always be this way
soon I’ll see a light
In a few years
I won’t be living, in a world of tears
it’s all sliding into place
the life, I tried to chase
never thought I’d be, here alone
never dreamed, of losing home
come what may
dreams will rise, and fall away
they are, beautiful and dread
like sweet things, left unsaid
it was, honey on my lips
and with, a vicious twist
I was forced, to face the dark alone
forced, to become, ice and stone
your home, is where your heart takes flight
home is simply, endless daylight
it’s a soft kiss on the lips
my home, Is the boy I miss

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