With faith’s strength
Hope’s courage
Belief’s vision
Determination’s drive
Inspiration’s influence
Persistence’s dedication and
Win or lose’s no draw
We can make it!
We can have it all!
Inside each and every one of us
Lies the heart and soul of a warrior.
It was instilled in us from day one.
So why do we waste our time
Fueling hate’s flames
Allow negativity to drive us around
Discouraging encouragement
Poisoning potential
Opposing opportunities
Questioning other’s qualifications
Finding fault in everyone but yourself
Like water at the beach?
It’s past time to end this
We know which way to go
We know what the truth really is
All it takes is a little understanding
A bit more open mindedness;
And just a touch of faith,
Hope and trust within ourselves.
Because when we conquer that fear
We see where that light
At the end of the tunnel will lead us.
We need to end this now and
Start with a new way of believing.
Let’s RISE UP against racism
Are you willing?
Reach Into Someone’s Existence
(and) Uplift Positivity
© 11/4/18 Rvsd 4/28/21