LP45 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Hey there my fellow poets! Blessings and greetings to you all for a prosperous new year. Life has been pretty rough for me since I last posted but nonetheless, as always with God's mercy and grace I've persevered. I'm finally at a point where I can start posting again. I so miss being on here and reading everyone's works. I hope that everything is going well for everyone. Let's keep the inklove flowing!

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Artificial Intelligence



Views: 570

Mindless tongues spew ignorance.
Mushroom clouds glow in irises
As stupidity’s shock waves
Blanket the masses.
Some heads hang in shame
While other gaping mouths
Echo with laughter.
Did he just say that???
Hands thrown up begging for mercy
When twisted tongues twist heads
Are you off your meds?
Dogs raising eyebrows
Wimp in disbelief,
Cat just rolled his eyes
And went back to sleep.
Dummy geniuses flaunt
Inflated egos like
Bikini models strutting runways.
Little do they know, literally.
I can think of forty five ways
Money doesn’t make you smart
Education dollars exchanged
For senseless reasons.
Makin’ folk do dumb stuff
The bigger the dollar sign
The higher the power
The more bs you’re allowed
To get away with.
Or so some have thought.
The goose and gander
Share no equality.
Slapped wrists temporarily
Sting dirty hands.
While others got trumped
By cuffs in the public eye.
Network execs said no no no
Then turned the headline’s
Spotlight on the one man show.
If you can’t see the signs
You gotta read between the lines.
Know the world in which you live
Artificial intelligence comes
In all shapes, forms and ways
And is running amuck.
Don’t get hoodwinked.

© 10/29/18

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mrmelody7 says:

As Shaft would say well I can dig it covered a lot of ground in this imagery packed proverbial write nicely done Ladypoet45

LP45 says:

Thanks mrmelody7. The more I see how many folks are unaware, the more it makes me aware. We have a lot going for us yet still so much against us. Thank you for reading.
Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Yes Sis LP45.....let 'em know, diggin' your panache....Write On! Thanks for sharing your eloquence in flavor....ONE

Tali says:

We are caught in the middle of this storm, this is a very elegant way to put the current state of events.

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LP45 says:

Thank you for your continued support 2b. It's much appreciated. Folk need to really wake up.

LP45 says:

Thank you tali for your support as well. We all can have something to say but we don't have to put it with unnecessary language. Hence my pen name.
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Indeed Lady Poet45, this mocking reality show is real..openly reeling its deceit via an oxymoron they call "artificialIntelligence". You continue to pound the nail of truth. Peace and Love, mlowe5

LP45 says:

Thank you mlowe5 for your support.

Brownchildt says:

Great peice. The title is fitting.. thank you for sharing

LP45 says:

Thank you BrownchildT.
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Even more powerful the second time around. Now they bring this mock shutdown! Again, thank you Ladypoet45 for raking through this muck and exposing the truth. Peace and Love, mlowe5.

LP45 says:

Thank you again Mlowe5 for your continued support! Peace and blessings my fellow poet.

blakmista says:

AI must remain glued to its AI backside. Thanx you so much Ladypoet45 for sharing the view with truth and finesse.

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LP45 says:

Thank you for your support blakmista it’s much appreciated.

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