Tru Sista | Poetry Vibe
Tru Sista
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 11000
contest winner
A Poetic Storm

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Views: 246

I said I’d prefer to stay and wait for him to fall 
So I’ll be standing there with my arms out to catch him
So when he get through letting the other girls and guys terrorize 
His heart and polluting his body and mind
I’ll still be there waiting at the back of the line
Waiting on my turn
I know the cocaine in the beginning
Is stimulating, energizing and altogether pleasant to him
But yall I stand here pleading wishing that he would believe in me 
I wish he would just bow down and be my king
Let me free him from those negative thoughts 
And I do believe he hasn’t seen the way he affects me
My friends bashing me for the way I chase him
But they don’t feel this affection that’s buried deep within me
Calling me insane and telling me how Much of a fool
I am 
But damn
This is a sickness that has a cure and 
I must show everyone that keeps bashing and judging me 
That I’m harassing histill I see the king that
I know he could be for me
But if it just won’t work out and if I just can’t wait any longer
I’ll prepare myself for that broken heart
To see him with a liberated woman would even be a great start
Even though I would hate to loose what I’ve planted in my soul to be mine
I’ll be happy for his heart to be freed of all those negative places
That His unfocused mind just keeps running to
I love him without a doubt
Did I tell you that?
Even though I don’t know the everything of him
I want to be his because I know him whether he knows it are not
And I know he thinks I’m just a average girl
Maybe just a groupie but he is so fine to me and I’m not talking body wise
He makes me pay attention in class cause how he stands and give his.
Presentations damn he is smart
And I see him as my art
Visualizing his style and his knowledge 
But he just want stop straying away and pay attention to me
His number one fan

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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

In a stalking sort of way, the need to want what we want can go so wrong but it's normal insane behavior I like the strong feelings pouring from this this piece. Peace and much respect in your hot pursuit

LP45 says:

Great write Tru Sista. Thanks for sharing.

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