karls | Poetry Vibe
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just the mud



Views: 164

 a rock hard, punch in the gut
and the air rushes, from my lungs
frozen, with disbelief
because I thought, this was beneath, him
I guess It shouldn’t have come as a shock
but it’s still, as hard to swallow as a rock
all those sweet things he said
I turn them over in my head
and I just can’t believe
he was so quick to replace me
and I’m turning back the months in my head
looking at all the lines I was fed
and I see
It was never me
I was just something to do, in this little town
he never planned, to stick around
on to the next girl, he’ll play his gutar
write her a song, say they’ll get far
then when he’s bored, he’ll be done
a boy like him, always on the run
he’ll have you believing, that he’s the one
it’s the sweet ones
you have to watch out for
they’ll give you everything, and more
then you’re old news
nothing, just the mud, under his shoe’s

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