Saw it in a store one day
thought it might make me play
future music all for you
Seen me through the hardest times
thought it was bout time to open
up a new world just for you
Fills all my needs gave me the key
door was openfor me to see
ran around the world touching
all the boys and girls with a new
love to make them free
Kalimba Kalimba glad I found you
Kalimba Kalimba sends a message
to you
If you lend a ear and have no fear
the vibrations will move your mind
Its new to you sounds true to you
sacred music before its time
Play it for you now wanna see how My Kalimba
get next to you--Mighty mighty group earthwind and fire
If you go to Youtube lend an ear have no fear vibratins in
and outside the body will have somethin on the body
tapping feelin the vibes of this beautiful heavy weight song
check it out will move your Soul without a doubt