what ever happens will happen
will someone somewhere please
change the subject I'm bored
when the Mother Ship comes
I'm on board tell the pilot to floor it
been trying to say something
for a long time but it always comes
out in rhyme cursed by verse
the first will be last the last will be first
played it over and over in my head
thinking what I could've said
different so many times I tried
apologizing sorry fell on deaf ears
what am I supposed to do when I
can't get through would it help
if I threw this shoe would
I get some attention then if I piss
you off again no body wins no doubt
I already lost this bout been so long
slips my mind what we talkin bout
when did it start I would say I love you
but don't want to lose heart
in the quest of trying to fix stuff
kind of mixed up by fire been
touched apples don't fall far
from the tree neither does leaves
can't wait until they turn back green
used to be appeased with ice cream
now it melts too fast it's like
nothing last for long anymore
back again just left the store
to buy some more and will be
back again before the month
ends sure to be out again