karls | Poetry Vibe
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you've won the war



Views: 211

 all that I have is on the floor
I will, leave it where it lay
I’ll come for it, another day
just, not today
let me forget, all but my name
because, I will never be the same
I try to, turn myself, to ice
I try to, turn the, tables
but, I’m held down, by these, steal cables
when you, are near
knowing, you, can hear
I say, hurtful things, aloud
hoping, to shoot you off, your cloud
I won’t let you, see, how scared I am inside
and I give it all I have, to hide
have I been erased from your memorey
is their nothing left of me?
now that it’s all over
I feel ten years older
I felt, something warm
change into a lightning storm
It was a dark when I found you
I was saved, in every way, I was rescued
I watched, this stranger, intrude
and, now, he is you
I tried to fall on my feet
but baby, you had me beat
you got, there first
kicked me, at, my worst
I can’t keep up with this he said she said
there is, a torture chamber, inside, my head
I’ve heard, all the stories, that have, been told
and I’ve, grown cold
I’m just a *** buddy
oh, honey
you’ve won the war
next time, I will, be braver
and, I won’t, need a savior

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