Silently I sit
Closed eyed,
Soul deep in peace
Alone and free
Not too far from reality.
Here I can see
My inner self,
The real me.
As my musings begins
Deep down within
I found a piece of me
I’d forgotten was there,
Suppressed under past
Feelings of despair
A time when naysayers opinions
Once held dominion over me.
But now since those emotions
Have faded and gone,
A renewed strength in myself
And belief in my purpose
Creates the clearest understanding
As it ascends to the surface.
With a foresight of things to come
My mission is clear,
As a voice whispers behind my ear
“Help those as I have helped you”.
Despite shader’s attempts
To shadow my pride
Regardless of whispers
Who silence as I walk by
While never minding nonbelievers
Whose comments are inane
To say the least.
I will fulfill my purpose.
For when it’s all said and done
No other opinion matters but one.
Smilingly I sit
Eyes, mind and heart wide open.
Refreshed from my peace
I stand to my feet as
Back on my journey I go.
A new dawn has risen in this soul,
And it’s time is now.