karls | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 235

 honestly, tell me, what do you see

do you hear the words, you say to me

can you see, the rain, behind my eyes

do you see, do you see all the lies


time and time again, you ask 

why I wear, my makeup like a mask

it's not about, fitting in

thats a battle, I know I'll never win


do you really, want to know, why I hide my face

it's because, I feel out of place

I wake up, and put it on, every single day

because it keeps, my hate at bay


do you ever, look in the mirror, and hate what you see

well wellcome, to the life of me

it's my chance, to create

my chance, to start a better slate


If you could see, the rain, behind my eyes

you wouldn't ask, about my, makeup lies




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