Trou8l3 | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 616
Hurt people, HURT ..PEOPLE I know you dont care, you proved it clearly.. No matter what my eyes dont see , my heart heard you perfectly. *** if you didnt feel for me like i did for you Honesty would of led your lips to the truth.. I always wondered what kept you, maybe the idea of loving somebody I know for sure it wasnt me... Hurt people... HURT PEOPLE You could of saved me the thoughless part. And kept your story..i became the hidden link to your sob stories, Those lies you told to find just within your self Those unspoken words of having plenty other then me.. Damn you could of told me... Why drag me Cuz you were hurt...steadily trying to cover pain with pain Then using my heart to drain your bitterness.. I would of been better off then this.. Hurt people ...HURT PEOPLE i wish my "hello" would of went unheard I wish those moments Would fade I cant wait for the moment the "i still care" goes away...and this storm wont smile anymore I wish those 3 letter words didnt hold facts Its like being stabbed in the back. Like betrayal at its best And for what... To please the rest.. I wish you didnt exist.. Hurt PEOPLE ...HURT PEOPLE

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LP45 says:

Great flow Trou8l3. Very true words. Thank you for sharing.

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The Immortal Wize says:

True emotions often hit home where it hurts the most, what I learned is to never let 'em know where it hurts and they won't know where to hit you. Hurt people do hurt people and hurt people continue to hurt and cause more pain. Alone is medicine someone else is not the cure pain taught me that life lesson. In the words of Ladypoet45 Thank You For Sharing.

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2b2b2 says:

Powerful Spill....truth....Namaste
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Trou8l3 says:

I Thank all of you I appreciate your comments

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