skb74# | Poetry Vibe
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My Wish



Views: 243

I wish I had heart to break
one that felt pain from losing you 
in the house you left when you took our home
love walked out, loneliness ran in
I just wish I had a heart

I wish I had a heart to break
my eyes might shed tears
my apologies might sound sincere
my mind might retain memories
I just wish I had a heart

I wish I had a heart to break
when I gave some away, it was regifted
what I kept, social media poisoned
where love once flowed, now lies barren
I just wish I had a heart

I wish I had a heart to break
a desert you tried to water with a lake
your leaving neither abrupt nor unexpected
no feelings of sadness or feelings at all
I just wish I had a heart to break

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