I had dreams that should have woke me up
nightmares that should have shook me up
so many things I wish I did after not doing them
so many things I wish I didn't do after doing them
hindsight is 20/20 so is good eye sight
half the time I didn't see it coming the other
half I just let hit me so many brushes with death
surprised to have some life left can't count
how many goals I set only to set myself up
for failure no matter how many times that
occurred in my life if said I didn't cry I'd be
lying it's after downpours and nasal drains
I rise with more strength to bear the thing
trying to destroy me every level another
devil every flight another fight every
uphill another ordeal it sounds bad but
sometimes I did not feel like feeling bad
not one iota I got up and got over it
and moved on this is honesty coming
from the depth of me I came for destiny
do something with the rest of me there
are some under me I wish I reach
to teach them something valuable but
you know half these young folks don't
listen no more as long as they have their
gadgets and technology posting tagging
sharing ain't no body caring or thinking
it could be over in a heartbeat without
any warning it's easy to see clear when
you're born with the shine