Trou8l3 | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 323

First impressions at its best... Felt like there was something different then all the rest.. Infatuation led to my greatest depression.. I think i wanted it to truly be something.. After every heart break and down fall... My truth started to shine,


 I knew i wasnt shyt and never will be.. Its okay its apart of me.. Can never seem to get the one i love.. Got me thinking, why start over to the same results and different mistakes... Its almost like, competition with the reason,

Theres no pleasing..

That saying, "i rather have you as my friend, then have nothing at all" must of came from a person of hope

When every hill i been on, had a slope

Do you know what it feels like to being JUST a friend,

Its like.. holding hands thru a screen, Allowing ya imagination to run free...And still being isolated without measure Because nothing counts!!

The only heart that aches is yours... No one to blame but you! At any given moment she could be through...

Just a friend with the benefit of having a choice to choose...

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The Immortal Wize says:

Standing Ovation! 💥

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Trou8l3 says:

Thank you

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