<3 | Poetry Vibe
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Why do I miss him and think of him all the time?

He doesn't know how I feel, he doesn't know I'm alive

I don't know why I have intense feelings for this guy, but whenever I think of him I have a euphoric high


I think I'm drawn to his soul, all broken and battered I want to be the one to pick up the pieces that have shattered.

But his heart belongs to someone else, hes taking her along for the ride, somedays I want to curl up in a ball or just runaway and hide.

Every night I go to sleep with thoughts of him in my head when morning comes I would rather just lay then get out of bed.


How do I get him out of my head and heart, everytime I try I just fall short.

There has to be a way to rid these feelings of lust and pain, right now my heart feels like it has been forever stained.

I wait around all day for him to give me something when infact I would give anything if asked, but my feelings are masked they stay in the corner, put in the dark I know I will never get to see if we could have had a spark.


Out of sight and out of mind is always what they say, I have put those words to the test with little affect and now hardly any rest.

I feel misery and worn down, even writing all this makes me feel like a complete clown, but maybe its in hopes of him one day reading this and in return him sealing it with just one kiss.

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