J.King337 | Poetry Vibe
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got a new poem ready for this Sunday!! It's entitled "The Unspoken Lesson".

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Unryhmed Lyrics #5



Views: 360

Everything happens for a reason,

As time manipulates each season.

In the face of trangression

Accompanied by a false sense of loneliness,

We fall victim to our own deception.

An accumulation of regret we share our bonds with Resentment,

Allowing anger to rule as Love and Kindness is held in comtempt.

Sleeping amongst the wicked our enemies play and laugh as

The one who is conflicted sway towards self vengence.

The thoughts cry justice!

The mind pleads for peserverence,

But the lips of the folly speaks of hatred.

Lost he becomes on the path that is lighted

But woe is he for his vision is one sighted

In the womb of misery that day is relived

A constant reminder of his moment of weakeness

As he play the role of both the claimant and defender.

As the seasons change,

Time flows normally for the one who commited

This terrible scheme,

But in its midst the victim is at a stalemate

For as he takes his life out of God's mighty hand.

No one will listen as pity is no longer given,

For he is to blame for the pain he strikes upon himself.

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