2b2b2 | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 329100
contest winner 5
contest winner
lightness in the dark
Love First and Love Lasts

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The Grammar of Posting



Views: 360



Just a respectful reminder to all artists and beings of humanity that in order to get love...you must give love....in posting your work, life, etc. Follow this simple synergy and grow exponentially.....ONE > < LOVE



Up high I’m breathing easy

I can see everyone, everyone sees me

Perched and regal is my likeness

As I have arrived at this lofty heightening

Unaware of my temporary status

As other like minds are all out to floss

Awaiting the right time to topple my reign

As my eminence is but a flash within a pan

Like a lighthouse twirling flashlights’ positioning

Captured opportunely I’m at the moment of infamy

Relishing and embellishing my fleeting importance

Caught up in my own self import of importance

My edge is steadily decreasing into a finite pinnacle

Then alas I come down crashing swiftly towards grounding

Rubbing my backside and administering to this bruising

Learning that the next time I attempt to perch upon a post

To use a ladder and rest my elevation on alternate positioning

That means respecting the law of ups and downs , and sharing

Realizing this play is necessary so that not only my post,

But everyone is raised to a post to be highlighted daily,

Sharing popularity by bridging gaps and raising posts of others

So that we each are high and have each others posts covered

Building platforms that hold more than just one individual ‘s


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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

2b2b2, write on. You are a great teacher and there is much to be learned. It's about the lesson...the lesson.the lesson. It's about the lesson. I hear and agree with you; and am taking time to going back to reading more of others and writing when deemed necessary , as we travel along the common journey. Peace and Love, mlowe5; retired educator and growing poet. Thanks for teaching me much.

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Much respect mlowe5, you always bring dignity and responsibility so I am honored for you checking me...as I grow and leave morsals for use by others (and humble reminders for myself shared)....ONE

LP45 says:

I wholeheartedly agree with you 2B, we should all lift up one another. When we reach one, we teach one to reach and teach another. Thank you for sharing this never ending cycle of growth. Peace my friend!
Contest Winner  

gmcgee325 says:

Well said!😊❤

Tru Sista says:

Ok 2B2B

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