long hair strong root the stronger
the root the sharper the machete
to vegetated for wieners in moms
spaghetti ready for what comes
ready for what must be turn't up
so bright need shade to look at
the light hidden secrets hidden
beneath my poetry some times
you can't take me serious unless
you know what time it is don't
don't know if I'm joking or not
it's not that difficult to tie a knot
it's not that difficult to get fire hot
on a warpath with a pen and pad
taking notes on the journey
don't need friends one time I
thought I did I was acting like
a little kid doing certain things
coz mama did a fatherless
child coz daddies dead
too grownup to do what
mom said lights out to the
establishment peace love
prosperity to those living on
the government save every
penny nickel dime quarter
make a wish we're going
under water matters borders
gone do yo thing NEW WORD
ORDER when the fire starts we're
going under water matter
the hour we all have one
who is in POWER