Worked them temp svcs 15 years most construction
landscape build houses movin jobs daily work daily pay
loved it travel all over the state out of state if didnt like job
dont go back loved working outside pay not that great
peace of mind was once went on this job young supervisor
gave 7 guys a trash bag told us to stand 10 ft
apart in straight line told us to pick up paper cans butts from
in front of the office where we was standing to the end of
the newly bult apartments about 6o yards ahead on back
I ws bending over picking up trash he say dont you think it
would be better to start from up top and come this way I looked
up saw all the guys walking toward the buildings with their trash bags
I said might be but you aint paying me to think you payin me to pick
trash he turned around and went in the offfice I continued