QueenPB | Poetry Vibe
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A Wondering Mind



Views: 287

A Wondering Mind

Nothing’s worse than a wondering mind,

Wondering where I went wrong,

How’d I get to this point?

Wondering what did I do,

So wrong?

Wondering where has time gone,

How’d it fly by so fast?      

Yet, I’ve accomplished nothing,

Done nothing.

Wasted time,

Wasted life.

Wondering how I lost sight,

Of goals and dreams.

Wondering why everything seems so out of reach,

As if it’s just not for me.

How can it be?

A wondering mind is such a dangerous thing,

A wondering mind will worry one to the grave,

Turn hair sliver,

Increase one’s heart beat til explosion.

Not good,

Not good at all.

But it doesn’t stop wondering,

Can’t control it,

Need to get a grip,

Shake it off,

Ignore the thoughts,

For they are deadly,

Creating unbearable pain,

Washing away hope,

Killing dreams,

Leaving avoid that can’t be filled,

By wondering all these things.


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love_supreme says:

I completely understood this poem. Excellent write.

QueenPB says:

latin_lover says Thank you. I'm glad you like it.

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