QueenPB | Poetry Vibe
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  brigadier general
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My Ispiration



Views: 257

My Inspiration


“Where do I get my inspiration from? A question, I keep being asked.

Now I’ll give you my answer. Some may not like, many will understand, even more can relate to the thing I state.

My inspiration comes from those I love. My children have inspired me to be the best mother I can be. My better half has inspired me to reach for the stars and to never give up. My children give me reason to keep living. They inspire me to continue fighting. My Mother has always told me to use my voice and to speak my truth. God has gifted me with a creative ability, that I must not waste. My Father, who’s in heaven has always believed in me. I strive to make a difference, that’s my inspiration.

My inspiration comes from the sadness in the world. To give hope to those who have none. To encourage others as I have been encouraged, that’s my inspiration.

My inspiration comes from what I watch and what I read. It’s my thoughts of people and the world as I see it. Rather you agree or disagree. I’m entitled to feel, think, and speak. My opinions are mine and only mine. Human nature. Can’t be taken by no one in this in humane world.

My inspiration, my personal thoughts and experiences, The experiences of my friends. The voice of the silenced. The stories I’ve been told. My imagination.

There’s so much that inspires me. Hopefully, your questions are answered. Hopefully, I have giving you enough reasons to put those with doubts as ease and those who  support to keep supporting my thoughts.


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