2b2b2 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Love First and Love Lasts

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For the Dub of This....


Views: 370

First come blessings from above

Next came recognizance of flaws

No judge-meant to soley deliver pain

My mind is sunshine, when I let it reign

Down for the cause, cause the cause still remains


Peeking out two windows while fighting sleep

Expressing thought turns, signaling change in metes

Some climb to this sin, we all recline in the end

No shots to shoot without boomerang(ing) truths

I keeps changing into flows from writes by mind


My goals is to smoke brain lobes, listening to self expound

There is no next, like last night, 2b is a new knight sound

I write and share how it seems, no con of senses to achieve

Seeing twist in turns, from straight off domes, no bots or dromes

Scores from touchdowns, or goals driven home runs, for points


Boring attention deficit players, saving drafts like inhaling vapors

Whether forecasts thru paper to screened captions to report happenings

No distracting or sleights to outright invite debates on rights

I'm just playing my form of pslams from off my mind's dub plate

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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:


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LP45 says:

Wow. Excellence. Thank you for sharing this 2b.

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

2b2b2, thanks again for sharing another powerful write--a lesson indeed. Know that your "dub psalms" ignite our brain lobes with "...boomerang(ing) truths..." that "...the cause still remains..." Peace and Love, mlowe5
Contest Winner  

gmcgee325 says:

I want to be like you when I grow up...wow that was amazing. I absolutely love your flow.❤

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