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Prodigal Son



Views: 398

The prodigal son must have had some methodical fun.
Felt the weight of the world like a zillion ton

Felt the world collapse nearly had a relapse
His heart failed as it did collapse
Losing the neurological synapse

For a time he was able to sit back & laugh
But then came along the aftermath
Feeling the pain of the normal earthly wrath
Was forced to take a spiritual bath
By humbling himself and going back
Looking back to what he did lack
What was a common sense fact.
Is that he lost his intellectual tact.

So he had to reverse his ways
Remember the days
When he was blessed in his glorious stays
In his fathers castle
Where he never had to wrestle or had a hassle

Was blessed but never seemed to have known
And for that he had unwittingly bad seeds sown
And the ugliness in his character was then revealed & shown

Brighter than the lights of the stars in space.
The sadness was eventually seen upon his own tempered face
He felt the releases of peace & felt spiritual disgrace.

He utilized understanding which granted him wisdom
Finally acknowledged that his sin created a family schism.
Destroyed his relationship with his own father
His pride at one time made him deter saying why bother?!
But his soul, eventually turn cold & froze.
No longer was he in a position to look down upon people from his snobby nose
So he felt the need for repose.

The desire for true earthly respite
Made him throw his hands down and no longer want to fight.
So he returned to his father’s presence with such grievous plight.
And on that beautiful day he was thrown a massive party that night
For he returned to what was rightfully his own
Gave up his pride and went back home.

In that house and company there was so much pleasure.
The father revealed that having his son back home was his greatest treasure.

But to the other brothers displeasure there was regret and he took time to fret
Desired to spit & be full of anger & disrespect
Did not understand his fathers intellectual disconnect
How could his father grant the lost son such blessings after his brother only did reject?
How can he stand there with love and desire for his other son to protect?
The child that desired his methods were better and chose to have left
What was left was that his spiritual sight was blinded and his hearing went deaf

Then his father had disclosed
That he gave his humbled returning son a beautifully colored robe.
Was that he acknowledged that what he had back at home
Was truly the greatest delight.
And that his strength actually came from his father’s power & might.

And so the story goes
His life continued on forward where ever the wind blows.
No longer was his life the life of satanic shows.
Because he learned and then was able to say he knows.

That what he desired was already there
But for much time was unaware
So don’t just read this as you sit there
Look into yourself with a retrospective stare
And beware

For we all can be who he was
And we all can become what he chose to be
So either, choose your own eventuality
Or your destiny will be chosen for thee.


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