gmcgee325 | Poetry Vibe
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Love is Love and Power ❤️

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  brigadier general
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Self Love


Views: 391

Sitting alone in pure silence

With millions of thoughts

Running through my mind

The answers that I need

I just can't seem to find

My eyes are red, puffy, and sore

And I see a reflection of myself

That I didn't see before

My heart is aching

I feel nothing but defeat

I know the devil is lurking

And he's responsible for this deceit

I can't seem to stop these tears

From rolling and falling down my face

I can't begin to fathom

How I even got into this place

In a place of immorality

A place that's slowly pulling me

Closer and closer to mortality

Thinking if today was my last day

On this place called earth

I wonder did I do anything

To give my life any worth

Then I cried some more

Because the truth damaged me

To my core

Then came the thought

Do I have anything to live for

Just when the pain became

Just too much to bare

I fell to my knees

And I can hear the devil say

Don't you dare

As loud as I could 

I said JESUS please

I need you now

Help me love myself

As much as you love me

Because I clearly don't know how

It was at that very moment

A sense of peace submerged

Within me

And the devil's presence

Was no longer felt

I felt a sense of love

That made my heart melt

Suddenly all my troubles

Just didn't seem all that bad

I gained a confidence

That I never in my life had

When I look in the mirror

I love what looks back at me

Nothing but LOVE❤

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mrmelody7 says:

Two thumbs up once you learn to care bout yourself with Gods love you not worry about others love given or not given well stated
Contest Winner  

gmcgee325 says:

Thank you for your continuous support me mrmelody7 I appreciate all the delightful comments ❤️

love_supreme says:

oh, this was very nice! Excellent write.

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SYQ222 says:


SYQ222 says:


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Contest Winner  

gmcgee325 says:

Thanks SYQ222 and latin_lover I appreciate the support ❤️

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Elvan says:

Speak of strength found at the exact needed moment with the pleasantness of discovering the wonderful in life.

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