mrmelody7 | Poetry Vibe


This poet practices good karma and posts comments 244500
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I Feel So Real and I owe it all to you-Tribute song for my very favorite Singer and Special friend Natalie Cole-still connected-Feel so real Steve Arrington

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Mosaic Like



Views: 396

Mosaic in your touch

a craven for it so much

Mosaic diamond sparkles in

your eyes

brightness like the brightnesss

of deep darken night stars

Mosaic in the kalidescope

of your aura

array of colors always surroundin you

today yesterday tomorrow

like the smile of Mona Lisa

yours just  as pleazen

Flamboyant you are not

cool calmness sereneity

what you got

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gmcgee325 says:

Very beautiful and passionate❤️

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mrmelody7 says:

Beautiful and passionate two nice sounding words thank you much Mz gmcgee325
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

mrmelody7, Thanks for sharing this beautiful poetic tapestry. Great read. Peace and Love, mlowe5

mrmelody7 says:

Thanks a plenty Sir your words are always apprecated

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LP45 says:

I like this. Love your imagery in this piece mrmelody7. Thanks for sharing it.

mrmelody7 says:

Thank you much there is just this beautiful song lot of piano solo called Mosaic woman by Jazz crusaders that inspired me to write this I call it my winter song cause that CD came out in the winter and I be stuck in the house wit all that snow but listening to that CD their first

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