gmcgee325 | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner 2
contest winner
Love is Love and Power ❤️

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  brigadier general
Total poems   44
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Views: 372

I can't get enough

But obviously neither can you

I love the things you bring out of me

But this drug is what I pump into you

Yeah I can live without you

But the question is

Can you

You're my addict

And my mission is to

Make you love me

Want me

Seek me

Need me

I'm the cure to heal you

And without me

You'll never truly know yourself

I'm here for you for the long run

And any other treatment

You'll never need none

You'll never be in pain

While I give you my potion

When you realize you need me

I'll put an end to all the commotion

I'll be your drug

And keep you seeking that first hit

Inside your veins

Is where I sit

As long as you're an addict

I'll do whatever I can

To remain your

Addiction 💉



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Ak Rio says:


mrmelody7 says:

We had a thing in High School called ranking or the dozens if someone say somethin that make the other person look bad or get the jumps on another sideliners will say ooh scared of you so I say ooh scared of you Potent brew you got cookin

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