LP45 | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 206000
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lightness in the dark
Hey there my fellow poets! Blessings and greetings to you all for a prosperous new year. Life has been pretty rough for me since I last posted but nonetheless, as always with God's mercy and grace I've persevered. I'm finally at a point where I can start posting again. I so miss being on here and reading everyone's works. I hope that everything is going well for everyone. Let's keep the inklove flowing!

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Inspired by Love



Views: 411

Every time I think about you
My heart smiles.
You’re so beautiful to me
My soul blushes
Whenever you’re near.
My heart races every time
I hear your name.
The sound of your voice
Is comforting.
Your tender loving touch
Makes me forget where I am
Like there’s no one else around.
When you held my hand,
You took hold of my heart.
Your embrace secures me
So much so that
I never want to let you go.
We’ll never be apart ever again
We share a love for one other
No one else will ever know.
Sealing the bond between us
Ensures a friendship
As endless as time itself.
Our love runs deep like
Still waters.
And as our foreheads meet
Your love becomes my relief,
I am so glad I have you.


For my upcoming book, A Love Continuum

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mlowe5 says:

YEAH! We who know of this love have been waiting for this book! Thanks for sharing this part of the introduction. We love you, sister! Peace and Love, Brother mlowe5

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mrmelody7 says:

Very well could be musical lyrics this is a true living Valentine love song the music will be the heart beat of the two

LP45 says:

Thank you brother mlowe5, I have 3 books I have to get published now, this one and one more are waiting in the wings. Thank you for your support and for reading. Peace and blessings.

LP45 says:

Thank you mrmelody7. I never thought about it being musical lyrics. You'd be surprised at how this actually came about. not only will it be in my book but it'll also be in my greeting card line that I'm working on as well. Thank you for the read and your comments.
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2b2b2 says:

Delightful Share...such a warm loving pen...Namaste...Thank you!

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LP45 says:

Thank you 2b, for your kind words and continued support. Peace and blessings my friend.
Contest Winner  

gmcgee325 says:

Your words describe something that anyone who desires true love crave...great write ladypoet45 as always❤️
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Coalhouse says:

Nice work

LP45 says:

Thank you gmcgee for reading and your support.

LP45 says:

Thank you Coalhouse for reading and your support as well. It’s much appreciated. Peace and blessings to everyone.

TEEDUB815 says:

Very Nice. TEEDUB815

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LP45 says:

Thank you for your support Teedub. It's much appreciated.

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SYQ222 says:

That is beautifully. It should be a song. Thanks

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LP45 says:

Thank you SYQ222, for your support and for reading. Good to see you back on the vibe.

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Charles2 says:

Deeply touching... feel good, to the bone...

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