mlowe5 | Poetry Vibe


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lightness in the dark

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Least Our Story Fades...



Views: 373



Our story will fade with sorrowing time

if we continue to allow it to become a

a simple black asterisk footnote of his;


Some are trying to aid the fade

by telling as little of the truth

that they can get away with—

without spoiling their putrid story;


There are many of those who will try

to aid the fade by integrating our story

into spotted highlights of their history;


Then there are those who will try

to aid the fade of our story

by making clown fun of who and whose

we are: white faces wearing black masks;


And then there are those who simply try to

completely fade our story with omissions—

like shutting it down and keeping it down forever!


            Only we can and sustain the reality of ourstory!

            and its schooling begins at home with us—

            the griots that must home school our own

in the ABC’s of ourstory:  A, for Africa; B, for black;

C, for coming of age in the enlightenment of us;


Come, now is the time to teach ourstory—

sitting around the charcoal fires of truth: Seen!

black no fade nor crack; let’s get to telling it like it is;

least we fade into the nightshade of his story’s scene.

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Monumental Sentiment....Write On...All Truth...crucial juncture in time.....No doubt about...Thank you
Contest Winner  

gmcgee325 says:

The truth shall set us all free but no one seems to embrace the face of truth. Very deep❤️

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Contest Winner  

Coalhouse says:

my man!
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Thanks, 2b2b2. We still have so much work to do. It seems that we have made to many assumptions about the children. We got to get back to our home schooling! Peace and Love, mlowe5
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

So true, gemgee325. We need to face up and realize that we, all of us, need to get back to schooling our own. Recently I have encountered toom many of our youth "in the white" concerning ourstory. There's work to be done! Thanks for the read and feedback, mlowe5

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Yes Sire, Coalhouse! Thanks. You know where I'm coming from. Peace and Love, mlowe5

mrmelody7 says:

The Floor is yours Sir
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Thanks for the honor, Sir. But I need you standing there with me along with the rest of the poetic family! Peace and Love, mlowe5 (02/15/42).

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Yes, love_supreme, with the lives they continue to steal from us, we must keep ourstory alive! Thanks. Peace and Love.

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