Colette | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 126

The movement of life goes on each day 

But frozen in time is where you stay

When the thought of a person reminds you of the past

Frozen in the moments you want to forever last

The smiles, the talks, children playing in the sand

Frozen in the moments we set holding hands

I still never wore the shirt because it’s so special to me

Frozen in the good times of how we used to be

Frozen in our “Just Us” moments that mean oh so much

Frozen in the memories of your gentle, loving touch

Catching flights to go anywhere

Frozen 30,000 feet in the air

Praise and worship, the choir singing loud

Frozen in church amongst the crowd

Frozen at work, at the store, at the mall

Frozen at times just wishing you would call

No one knows how I feel each day

Frozen in my thoughts as my mind thinks of Ray

Frozen in the hugs I so truly miss

Frozen in the rapture of your tender kiss

Frozen as I gaze at the blue sky above

The silence has kept me frozen

Yes, frozen in your love

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