mlowe5 | Poetry Vibe


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lightness in the dark

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A Beautiful Misty Winter Ensemble


just different

Views: 245




Pine needles ape ice cycles

glowing in the misty rain;

the cold air periodically

sneezes a chilling wind.


What little snow that remains,

clings to the hillsides—except

where little flowing trails f water

mark pathways to the waiting river.


Passing the snow-covered cemetery,

plastic flora gave colorful applause

to this beautiful, misty winter ensemble

missed by those peacefully resting there,

and by those nature has chosen to hibernate.


What a glorious moment in time: travelling free

from harm…travelling free from causing harm.



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LP45 says:

Beautiful visuals Mlowe5. Although I'm not a fan of the cold weather, winter does emit some breathtaking beauty. Thank you for sharing this. Peace and blessings.
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

I hear you, my Sister. Although born and grew up in Texas, I've spent much of life living in Jamaica and California. Am now in Virginia to be near my kids and grandkids. It's only in poetry, am I able to appreciate certain moments of the beauty of winter. When will it end???!!! Peace and Love, mlowe5. Thanks!

LP45 says:

That's awesome. The friend of mine that was the inspiration behind my works I told you about lives in Alexandria. Small world.
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Thanks, love_supreme. In our travels, may God continue to keep us in His traveling grace. Peace and Love.

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