Colette | Poetry Vibe
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Women, Wigs and Weaves



Views: 227

Weaves to women is like an aid
Some they wear straight and some they braid
Wigs are used for easy access
They grab one quickly when their own hair's a mess

Some women wear wigs and weaves
To desire that look they want to achieve
Women think men prefer long hair
But to some men, it doesn't matter
Some really don't care

Wigs are all ready, you can grab one real quick
You put it on top of your own hair and there it will stick
Some weaves you can do yourself, you can sew or even glue
Though most go to professionals cause they know just what to do
Women spend lots of money on their hair, this you can bet
They don't want to mess it up, yet alone get it wet

I know this lady, her name is Shirley
She wears long weaves and wigs that are curly
I know this lil chick that we call Shorty
She wore the short cut wig to Lil Wayne's after party
Tyeisha does hair between 9 and 4 o'clock
She does extensions, twists and braids and even dreadlocks

Donna, she just likes her weave to hang
For that's how she does it when she's doing her thing
Tiffany gets her weave flat ironed with that Chi
And looks like a model everytime you see her

Now you see Colette, her hair is real long
She doesn't wear wigs or weaves for her hair is her own

Women know wigs and weaves will always be around
For wigs and weaves can be found in your town
But it really doesn't matter what you do with your hair
Because wigs and weaves ain't going nowhere

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