Colette | Poetry Vibe
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The Transformation



Views: 223

The human body is a unique creature
Designed with destructive, loveable features

My eyes that used to overflow with tears
Are now eyes that glow with more confidence, less fears
My mind that once used to wonder and worry
Can focus more clearly cause my thoughts are not blurry

My legs that took me through the wilderness and back
Are leading my steps slowly on the right track
My arms that used to reach for your love
Are now arms stretched out to the Heavens above

My mouth used to often talk foolish at night
Is now speaking the words of wisdom I write
My ears used to listen to what others would say
Are now hearing God's voice as He guides my way

My heart keeps me alive every time it beats
Yet my heart took a beating that almost led to defeat
For all I went through while going through
Has taught me what and what not to do

The transformation is for the world to see
Just how proud I am of me!

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Contest Winner  

gmcgee325 says:

It seem as if you have had a multitude of spiritual growth and your journey has been long. To follow God is not for the weak of heart so I too am proud of you for realizing you're worth more and you deserve more and even more for seeking more...May God continue to bless you!❤️

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Colette, my your body continue to endowed with you beautifully transformed spirit. Thanks for sharing. Peace and Love, mlowe5

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