Colette | Poetry Vibe
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The President that Could


just different

Views: 215

2008 was a year so great

A president was elected to represent the United States

Yes, a president of a different kind

A president with the skin color, the color like mine

Who would have thought that it could be done

From record breaking turnouts, the election he won

To have a black president for decades we yearned

And to be leader of this country was a title he earned


When other presidents wondered and said that they would

President Obama was the President that could


What did he do that the others did not?

Well, he did so much, yes, he took on a lot


He passed, he pushed, he signed many acts

He improved school nutrition for our kids - that’s a fact

He killed Bin Laden and the auto industry he saved

He ended the war in Iraq for our troops are so brave


For the times at the doctor you couldn’t afford to be there

Well, the President that could created Obama care


In 2012, low and behold, another 4 years were about to unfold

We’re continuing to move forward with President Obama to lead

For this country is great, a great country indeed!


Thank you President Obama! 

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